Finger Tattoo Guide – Everything You Need To Know!

Recently, finger tattoos have become more and more trendy in our society. Many people love them because they are considered stylish, versatile, and expressive.

There are, however, a lot of things to consider and understand before sitting down to get your finger inked.

Let’s explore a few very important things to know before making that commitment.

Types of finger tattoos

There are many different tattoo types and designs for fingers, and many have significant meanings behind them.

One of the most popular finger tattoos is the wedding ring tattoo. Many people choose to forgo the expensive diamond for a bit of ink instead. Often partners get the same or similar tattoo designs, to signify the promise they’ve made to one another.

Tattoos of a semicolon (;) have also risen in popularity within the last couple of years. The semicolon represents awareness of mental health struggles and the importance of dealing with those struggles in a positive way.

Another popular finger tattoo design is that of a cross. The cross is often viewed as a symbol of the Christian faith, and many religious people choose to get a tattoo of a cross to display their devotion to their faith.

One-word tattoos are also popular. Inspiring words such as believe, strength, imagine, and love are common choices.

There are many other options when it comes to types of finger tattoo designs. Of course, when choosing a design, it is important to remember that space on your finger is limited. If you have a unique idea and are unsure if it would work on your finger, speak to your professional tattoo artist. They should be able to help create the perfect design for you.

How long do finger tattoos last before needing touching up?

If you’re considering getting a finger tattoo, there are a few important things to know regarding touch ups. (Touch ups are usually needed if a tattoo begins to look cloudy, washed-out, or uneven.)

First, it’s important to understand that there are certain things that contribute to tattoo fading on the fingers: Thinner skin, skin shedding, sweat glands, and the regularity of which we wash our hands can all factor into a faded finger tattoo. The finger can be a very tricky place to tattoo. Even with a reputable tattoo artist, it will probably still need a touch up.

In fact, it is quite common for finger tattoos to need a touch up six to twelve months after the initial tattoo. Color can become less vibrant and lines can start to fade within this time frame.

It is very important to understand that you will probably need touch ups (probably more than one) if you decide to get at tattoo on your finger. Tattoos on the finger often require more touch up care than many other areas of the body. Taking care of your tattoo and committing to necessary touch ups is essential if you’re wanting to maintain a vibrant, stunning piece.

How painful are finger tattoos compared to others?

You often hear the question, “How bad did it hurt?” when talking about receiving a tattoo. One individual may report very little pain while another may experience intense pain getting the exact same tattoo in the same location. It’s hard to predict how much pain a person might be in, as pain ultimately depends on the individual.

However, many tattoo clients do report that getting their finger tattooed was more painful than other tattoos they’ve had. Certain areas of the finger may be more sensitive than other areas of the finger as well. Knuckles and areas closest to the nailbed are often considered more painful than the “meatier” portions of the finger.

It is important to remember that there are many nerve endings packed into this one small area of the body. Additionally, there isn’t a lot of fat or muscle on the finger. These factors can lead to additional pain when receiving a finger tattoo.

On a positive note: Finger tattoos are usually relatively small, so the pain experienced will be for a very short time.

How much do finger tattoos cost?

While it is impossible to say exactly how much your tattoo artist might charge for the new finger tattoo you’ve been wanting, some estimations can be made. Let’s explore a few important factors.

One thing to consider is the size and style of the tattoo. Are you wanting a very small tattoo or are you eyeing a design that takes up most of your finger? Are you looking at a stock design or do you need your artist to create a design for you? All these things can affect the price of the tattoo.

Another price factor is the area you live in. Upscale tattoo parlors in bustling cities often charge more than small, rural shops. The experience of your artist can also play a role in pricing.

With all these things considered, you should expect to pay a minimum of at least $40-$50 for a very simple, small finger tattoo. If the design is larger or more detailed, your tattoo could cost you $200 or more.

Ultimately, it is best to have a consultation with your tattoo artist to receive an accurate price quote.

Which finger is best for getting tattooed?

There is not one specific finger that does best when tattooed. Our fingers are all designed similarly, so which finger you choose is totally up to you.

However, certain parts of the finger may be better suited for tattooing than other parts.

Choosing a location on the finger that you wear jewelry on can cause even more fading than normal for finger tattoos. So, you may want to choose a finger and a spot where you don’t normally wear rings.

Additionally, the underside of your finger (palm area) and insides of your finger might not be ideal choices for a finger tattoo. Due to how much we use the palm side of our hands, this area can fade even more quickly than the rest of your finger.

Knuckles can be tricky areas to tattoo as well. Our knuckles flex and move as we bend our fingers, and this can lead to a blurry tattoo.

Ultimately, the best finger tattoo location is usually the tops of your fingers, avoiding the knuckle areas. This is not to say you cannot tattoo the other areas mentioned, but you may notice even more fading and blurring than normal.

Are finger tattoos a bad idea?

Different tattoo artists (and tattoo clients, for that matter) usually have mixed opinions on if finger tattoos are a bad idea.

Many artists try to avoid tattooing in this area, due to the fading that comes with the territory. However, you will find artists who love finger tattoos and are willing to do them!

As previously mentioned, there are several factors to keep in mind when thinking about getting a tattoo on your finger.

There could be more pain! Due to more nerve endings and less fat/muscle, your finger tattoo may hurt more than other areas.

Additionally, you must understand that your finger tattoo will eventually need a touch up, usually six to twelve months after getting the first tattoo. In fact, you will probably need to have more touch ups as time goes on. Due to skin shedding, sweating, and other factors, your tattoo will require ongoing upkeep. This can get expensive, so that is something to keep in mind.

Another thing to think about is blurred ink. The finger can be a tricky place to tattoo, so ink can sometimes appear blurry (due to ink spreading too far under the skin). This does not happen all the time, but it is a possibility. Usually, when this does happen, it is unavoidable. It is a risk you must take when signing up for a finger tattoo.

Lastly, infections during the healing process can occur more frequently with finger tattoos. All tattoos are open wounds and must heal. Our fingers are one of the most used areas of our body. We are constantly touching things and picking things up, which can lead to an increased risk of infection. If you do get a finger tattoo, you must be extremely cautious and diligent during your healing process.

Ultimately, only you can answer if a finger tattoo is a bad idea (for you) or not. While there are several drawbacks, finger tattoos can be fun and can make a great fashion statement. Only you and your tattoo artist can decide if the benefits outweigh the risks for you personally!